‘Annie and the Fierce Hockey staff have been instrumental to my son and his team’s development.  Annie is one of the best technical skating coaches I’ve worked with.  She runs a tough focused program that provides an environment for excellence.’ – Aaron Maybin

‘With a unique combination of kindness and toughness Annie and her team at Fierce Hockey create a great environment for kids of all ages and ability to learn and practice new skills.  You can see Annie and her team genuinely care for their students and spend time to teach and correct skills vs. just simply running them through various drills and the student to instructor ratio they maintain allow them to do so effectively.  Whether you just drop in from time to time, go weekly or multiple times per week, there is always an inclusive feeling created that your child will enjoy coming to.’ – Harley Polevoy

‘Annie has a unique ability to assess players’ skills and build a strong, progressive program for their optimal development.  She quickly establishes a strong rapport with players.  She encourages them to set high expectations for themselves, to believe in themselves, and motivates them to work hard.’ – Sarah Hunter

‘Fierce Hockey is true to its name providing age appropriate, but varsity style training.  Coach Annie and her team mean business on and off the ice.  They are true to their values, to what’s important to them and are completely dedicated to player development both on the physical side & mental preparation side of the game.  Be ready to work hard, play hard and show up ready to evolve all the while having fun and developing life skills!’ - Alena Han

‘As a coach, I’ve seen how Annie really engages and motivates young athletes.  Her practice programs are innovative, varied and the kids are constantly engaged and always moving.  Ive seen huge improvement in the playing ability of kids that have attended her programs.’ - Bruce Robertson


‘Annie was my first skills coach and I attended her summer camps.  she made it really fun and her personal attention helped me develop my skills in order to play at a high level.’ - Scott Robertson