Friday 4pm - 5pm Learn to Skate

Friday 4pm - 5pm Learn to Skate

Regular price $150.00
Unit price  per 

Fridays 4 - 5pm @ RINX on Rink 4

NO CLASS MARCH 14th - March Break!!

LEARN to SKATE - For non-skaters & beginner skaters. Skaters have had no previous skating lessons, and have not skated unassisted.

LEARN to SKATE - REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: CSA approved helmet with a cage, winter mitts or hockey gloves to protect their hands, single blade hockey skates, snow pants and jacket that are flexible and easy moving, elbow and shin pads are highly suggested.

*Parents & Caregivers of players are encouraged to remain unseen by player until their child is happy to be on the ice with their parents watching them.*

  • For new skaters - U3, U4, U5, U6, U7 - min 2 years old, Max 7 years old
  • 1:1 player-to-coach ratio to provide personalized instruction. However, actual ratios may vary based on participant skill levels and coach availability.
  • Balance & walking on the ice while using a skating aid
  • Safely falling down and getting up on their own
  • Transition to removal of skating aid
  • One foot balance, shuffle steps, spins, and shaving the ice
  • T-push, pushing friends on chairs, 2 foot glides, 1 foot glides, turning & C-cuts
  • Students will move at their own pace. 
  • A lot of FUN & GAMES mixed with skill development!

Our Learn to Skate Program class is about getting students having fun in their skates and acclimatized with the ice, the equipment, and the sounds of hockey.

Once our players have gotten the hang of things they will graduate into our LEARN to PLAY HOCKEY class at the same time and on the same ice as our LEARN to SKATE class.

 Fridays 4 - 5pm @ Rinx on Rink 4